Frequently Asked Questions
Answer: Catholic Cemeteries requires the person signing for the marker application to be the easement holder or the next of kin provided to us when arranging the burial. You can change the signature for your application by clicking on the submit order button. If you have questions on who this person is or believe you have received this application in error, please get in touch with us with one of the methods provided on the contact page.
Answer: Only the full Baptismal, Christian, or legal name of those buried in the lot may be inscribed on the marker. For example, if your loved one’s name is James Smith but went by the first name Red the marker would not be approved if it were submitted reading “Red Smith”. Special consideration will be given to markers submitted in the form of James “Red” Smith. This rule also applies for last names. Only the Baptismal, Christian, or legal last name of the deceased may be inscribed on the marker.
Answer: The marker application was refused as a precautionary measure. The dates that were entered do not match the cemeteries records. These records are typically gathered from the funeral home during the scheduling process. Please verify that your dates are correct and re-submit your application.
Answer: A 2’ x 1’ x 4' marker can only accommodate so many characters. By going over the maximum 30 characters per line we would be risking the integrity of your marker. By inscribing letters too small or too close together they tend to pop off the stone or blend together over time.
Answer: Yes. Our website currently offers both Polish and Spanish characters. You can access these characters by clicking on the button “Show Polish/Spanish Characters” located under the “Enter Information” tab. If you would like to have your marker in a language other than English, Polish, or Spanish please get in touch with us with one of the methods provided on the contact page.
Answer: Yes. Our memorial dealer’s do offer upgrades from the markers you see on the website for a fee. If you are interested in learning more about these upgrades, please get in touch with us with one of the methods on the contact page.
Answer: Due to high volumes of markers being produced and for the sake of production time, we do not offer proofs prior to production. Please feel free to log in and view your applications to see the marker that you created at any time. The exception to this would be if you opted for an upgraded marker from the memorial dealer, in which case, you may request a proof directly from them.